Ail ddatblygu gofod cymunedol yng Ngwynedd
We have recently been working on a Passivhaus retrofit of a community building in Gwynedd. The building belongs to the village choir but is used by other local…
4 min read
Meddyliau am drosiadau passivhaus a Diwrnodau Agored Passivhaus (y penwythnos yma!)
I recently attended the UK passivhaus conference in Oxford. One of the presentations was about Warksburn Old Church, a passivhaus retrofit of a church in Northumberland which now…
4 min read
Tai a Thargedau Sero Net Llywodraeth y DU
In a bid to educate myself on the UK Government’s approach to decarbonising UK housing, I spent some time this week reading Housing and Net Zero, a research…
4 min read
Rheoli tamprwydd (neu osgoi adeiladau gyda tamp ac llwydni)
A damp building is not a healthy building: damp and mould can cause respiratory conditions and allergic reactions to eyes and skin. Yet many homes and buildings in…
4 min read
Dyfeisiau i gynorthwyo Awyru
We left the last post considering devices for aiding the ventilation of our buildings. The two devices I will discuss here are a Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery…
4 min read
How does ventilation work? All our homes are ventilated, but for most of us ventilation isn’t something we think about—it’s something that just happens. Without ventilation, the air…
4 min read